Helping grow financial success
from the start.

Starting Out

Getting Married

Home Ownership


Empty Nest

Starting Out
Finishing school and entering the workforce is both an exciting and daunting transition in life. The prospect of acquiring your first home, vehicle, and credit cards can be exhilarating, but it’s crucial not to forget about paying back student loans, saving, investing, and securing adequate insurance. Understanding how to prioritize your responsibilities is key to getting a good head start. A Carte advisor will be there for you holding your hand through these financial
opportunities and obligations.
These are some of the questions
that we should consider
- Should I set up a monthly budget?
- Do I need overdraft protection?
- What do I need to know about credit cards?
- How should I repay my student loan?
Getting married is one of the most satisfying and exciting changes in your life. A Carte advisor will be there for you during this new start resolving any issues in an efficient and timely fashion.
These are some of the questions
that we should consider
- What are the differences between being married and
living together? - What is a prenuptial agreement
and do we need one? - How should we own our property and
savings and investments as a couple? - What are the implications of
changing my name? - How will being married affect our
group insurance coverage?
Home Ownership
Buying a home, whether you are a first-time home buyer or a seasoned purchaser, is very exciting and can bring a lot of changes to your life and lifestyle. A Carte advisor will guide you through the process, from assessing your finances to seeing how much you can afford and whether or not a Home Buyer's Plan through an RRSP is right for you, to finding a home with a real estate agent, to applying for a mortgage with a mortgage broker, to signing all of the legal documents with a lawyer, all the way to finding the right insurance solution for your home and mortgage.
These are some of
the questions that we
should consider
- Should I seek legal advice?
- Do I need a real estate agent
and how would I find one? - Where should I start
looking for a home? - How do I decide how much
I can afford to spend?
The birth of your child is one of the most wonderful gifts and the experience is second to none; however, along with the bundle of joy comes a lot of changes in your life. A Carte advisor will help you with strategies and advice during this amazing time.
These are some of the questions
that we should consider
- How do we balance paying down
debt and saving while adjusting to
new costs of having a baby? - Should we buy a home now?
- How can I provide financial security for my
dependents through insurance? - How can I continue to maximize and
top up my RRSP contributions?
Empty Nest
Your children leaving home, making you an 'empty nester', will cause changes in your life. It will likely be a sad occasion, but it can also provide new opportunities. This is a good time for you (or you and your spouse) to step back and think about how you want to spend your time in the future and a Carte advisor can help you assess the possible impact that this life change will have on your circumstances and objectives.
These are some of the questions
that we should consider
- What will be the impact on the family
budget with the children gone? - What sort of financial support might
the children still need? - Should I consider selling or
renovating my home? - Will there be more time for other
activities and what would be
the cost?
Transitioning into retirement will mean a change in your lifestyle and some of your life goals. A Carte advisor will be there side-by-side during this stage of your life.
These are some of the questions
that we should consider
- How will my investment requirements
change during retirement? - What is the best way to structure
my retirement income so I don’t lose
age benefits and credits? - How can my spouse and I minimize
taxes in retirement? - My spouse and I both have
sources of income, which
should we use first? - Does my provincial health
plancover me when I spend
time in the U.S.?
Leaving A Job
Leaving a job, whether by choice or due to an involuntary lay-off or shut-down, may mean a change in your current and on-going personal and financial situation. A Carte advisor will help you with strategies and advice during this hard time.
These are some of the questions
that we should consider
- Should I be seeking legal advice?
- What payments am I
entitled to from my former employer
and how can those payments
be received? - Am I entitled to receive
Employment Insurance (EI)? - What happens to my
Group RRSP?
A break-up in marriage can potentially mean a change in some of your life goals. A Carte advisor can help with strategies and advice for balancing your life and making progress towards achieving your financial goals in this new direction that your life is headed in as a result of your marriage break-down
These are some of the questions
that we should consider
- How do I make the transfer
of investments to and from
my former spouse? - What happens to the
beneficiaries of my
RRSPs and Life Insurance? - Do I need a new
investment portfolio? - How will my cash flow be
affected by my
marriage breakdown? - Will I need a new Will?
A disability for you or a close family member, such as a child, will create new challenges for you and your family. Your lifestyle may be affected and you will want to ensure that challenges can be anticipated and dealt with as efficiently as possible. A Carte advisor will help you in dealing with any financial burden resulting from disability.
These are some of the questions
that we should consider
- What are the government sources of
financial support for those
who are disabled? - Will my individual or group
insurance cover me or a
disabled child? - How should I go about selling
assets to raise money? - What sort of services do the
provincial or municipal
governments provide to
the disabled?
Ailing Parent
The illness of a parent can mean huge changes in your life whether you are single or have your own family. The impact can be financially devastating. A Carte advisor can assist you in understanding the issues and what is possibly at stake and how they can be minimized and/or resolved to ensure that during this difficult time you are
not burdened with financial problems.
These are some of the questions
that we should consider
- What are the implications if my
parent is unable to make
their own decisions? - Who will be in control of
my parents' finances? - What are the sources of
funding available to ease
the financial burden? - What are the implications
for my parents'
estate plans?
Death of a Loved One
The death of your spouse or a loved one can mean changes in your life and in your life goals. A Carte advisor can help with strategies and advice for balancing your priorities during this difficult time.
These are some of the questions
that we should consider
- How do I transfer my spouse’s
investment assets into my name
and what documents will I need? - Will I need to create a
new investment portfolio? - Do I need a new Will?
- How will my estate plans change?
- Should I now consider
transferring assets to my family?

Leaving a job



Ailing Parent